In the Dreamlike Neighbourhood project, visibility was very important. Apart from public events (see international street event: Round table and Public storytelling café), articles (see Shifting perspectives: From studying the city to studying themselves in the city) and videos (see Shooting videos) older people were supported to share their thoughts in public exhibitions.
In cooperation with the Society of Architects of Ljubljana and the City of Ljubljana the neighbourhood group of the Slovenian Third Age University shaped most of the events taking place during the Month of Urban Space which – on their own initiative and the initiative of the group’s mentor – was devoted to old age in the city. Participants contributed to an outdoor exhibition and an exhibition in the central City Gallery. They contributed both to the concept and the development of the exhibitions that also included a detailed overview of organisations and of interesting examples of older people’s participation. The exhibitions enabled both professional and general audiences to learn more about what constitutes a quality urban environment in the eyes of older people, according to both their experience and their own research findings.