Tools and Activities for Dreamlike Neighbourhoods

Get-to-know reflection cards

A very attractive way to spark meaningful conversations and a reflection on one’s talents, interests or abilities are “provoking questions”. Based on available card sets or self-made cards about strengths, interests and abilities, people exchange their experiences and perspectives.

The following examples of questions might have the potential to inspire stories, reflection and emotions:

  • The list of my strengths starts with…
  • I feel strong when…
  • I am especially passionate about…
  • My positive characteristics are…
  • Everybody has talents. Five things that I am especially good at…
  • That‘s quite easy for me…

The cards can be used in different ways: The cards are laid out face up so that the participants can choose one or more cards to address. Or participants pick one card without seeing the questions and statements beforehand. In the next step, participants exchange their answers to the questions either in small groups (2–3 persons) or in the whole group. Each person reads their card(s) aloud and answers the questions or completes the beginning of the sentence. 

Set of cards (self-made or from a commercial provider). E. g.: German: Stärken-Schatzkiste für Therapie und Beratung (Beltz Therapiekarten) von Falk Scholz, English: At My Best Strength Cards, Empowering Questions Cards

The method was developed and tested within the Erasmus+ project “invisible talents” and is published in the “Toolbox for organisations”. Versions in English, Dutch, German, Italian and Lithuanian are available here.